Film Review: 30 Minutes or Less (2011)

Talk about a polarizing movie: some critics have called it a hysterical, albeit preposterous, comedy (even the summer’s funniest?) while others have stated that if its runtime was as short as its title then it still would have been overlong and disappointing.  Regrettably, I tend to agree with the latter assessment.  As an action movie, it is lackluster; as a comedy, it is mediocre – you will either describe it as mindlessly hilarious or find it simply mindless and only chuckle-worthy.  Despite a lean 83-minute runtime that has almost no scene that fails to move the plot forward, watching it is still a bit of a drag.  Coming from Ruben Fleischer, director of the breakout comedy Zombieland (2009), you would expect this movie to be highly stylized and energetic.  However, 30 Minutes or Less (2011) is a drab production with undeveloped, patience-testing characters and no resolution; what’s more, it is only sporadically funny.  The term “a-musing” is an apt description for the comedy: an entertaining diversion without thought.  Figuratively, 30 Minutes or Less delivers on time but its product is largely stale and tasteless.

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83rd Annual Academy Awards Nominations, Predictions, Polls, and Pre-Ceremony Analysis (UPDATED WITH RESULTS)

The 83rd annual Academy Awards ceremony will be broadcast live on Sunday, February 27, 2011 at 8 PM EST; James Franco and Anne Hathaway will host the presentation. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), largely comprised of filmmaking professionals and executives who vote on the Oscars, announced this year’s nominations on January 25, 2011. To view previous years’ nominees, winners, and analysis, click here.

Included below is the list of Oscar nominees. I ranked the nominees in order of how likely they are to win in their respective categories, NOT in order of my preferences. Nonetheless, I have written some thoughts, notes, and perspectives (under some categories) regarding the nominees’ chances, histories, and which are my favorites.

Also, DON’T FORGET TO VOTE! – Please vote as if you were an AMPAS member and casting your own ballot, regardless of my predictions and what you think will win. Vote for what/who you think is the best in each category.

* I shall update this post after the presentation on February 27, 2011 to highlight the winners (in red). *

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Film Review: The Social Network

When I first saw the trailers for The Social Network, I had mixed feelings. A movie about Facebook directed by David Fincher? The preview seemed too much like a comedy to grasp the darker tones. Then, after early screenings and much critical acclaim, my curiosity grew. Garnering Oscar buzz for its thrilling plot, spot-on performances, and sharp, sardonic dialogue, the film became a must-see for me. In one word, The Social Network is riveting.

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