The Spiderman series is rebooted in the trailer The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

Just ten years after Sam Raimi’s original Spiderman film and only five years after the disastrous conclusion to the trilogy, Columbia Pictures will release a Spiderman reboot.  At first thought, you probably scoff at the notion.  However, with a very talented cast and director, The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) looks to be a fresh and grittier cinematic interpretation of the famous Marvel Comics superhero.  For instance, director Marc Webb ought to reinvigorate the franchise with inventive storytelling techniques and stylish direction, as he did in the highly acclaimed and personal favorite romantic comedy 500 Days of Summer (2009).

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Film Review: The Social Network

When I first saw the trailers for The Social Network, I had mixed feelings. A movie about Facebook directed by David Fincher? The preview seemed too much like a comedy to grasp the darker tones. Then, after early screenings and much critical acclaim, my curiosity grew. Garnering Oscar buzz for its thrilling plot, spot-on performances, and sharp, sardonic dialogue, the film became a must-see for me. In one word, The Social Network is riveting.

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