The Spiderman series is rebooted in the trailer The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

Just ten years after Sam Raimi’s original Spiderman film and only five years after the disastrous conclusion to the trilogy, Columbia Pictures will release a Spiderman reboot.  At first thought, you probably scoff at the notion.  However, with a very talented cast and director, The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) looks to be a fresh and grittier cinematic interpretation of the famous Marvel Comics superhero.  For instance, director Marc Webb ought to reinvigorate the franchise with inventive storytelling techniques and stylish direction, as he did in the highly acclaimed and personal favorite romantic comedy 500 Days of Summer (2009).

The plot of the remake/reboot/origins story will be similar to the first Spiderman film with Peter Parker’s fateful run-in with a genetically mutated spider.  This time, though, Gwen Stacy will be the love interest as Mary Jane Watson will not appear, and the primary villain is Dr. Curt Connors, aka the Lizard Man.  The trailer itself shows some promise with some darker themes as well as an intriguing, albeit stiff-looking in the preview, POV sequence at the end.  The film still appears high up on my Most Anticipated Films list after its initial trailer.

The Amazing Spider-Man – starring Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Dennis Leary, Martin Sheen, Sally Field, Rhys Ifans, and Irrfan Khan – slings into neighborhood theaters on July 3, 2012.




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