The sensational, must-see trailers for Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy (2011) showcase an incredible cast

This is an absolute must-see film; Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (2011)  ranks in the top ten of my Most Anticipated Films list, partly because the novel was outstanding as well.  Given its release date, it will have to compete with the mega-blockbuster Twilight: Breaking Dawn, Part 1, though if you choose that movie over this one then perhaps this isn’t as appealing to you.  Nonetheless, after watching the two provided previews you should be lining up to buy your ticket(s) already.  The first trailer displays brooding suspicion backed by part of Danny Elfman’s The Wolfman score, which helps elevate the preview to one of the year’s best.  The second trailer ups the intensity and utilizes one of this year’s best scores in Henry Jackman’s “Frankenstein’s Monster” from X-Men: First Class, also one of my favorite films of the year (full review HERE).  Aside from the creative genius found in the trailers, the film features an impeccable cast of British actors.  Hopefully Gary Oldman will finally get the awards-recognition he deserves; this film is a great opportunity for him to do so.

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Batman must come back as evil rises in the teaser trailer for The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Christopher Nolan has been perfect thus far in his career, and The Dark Knight (2008) is arguably his best or at least second-best film (personal favorite goes to Memento, which ranks in my top-five all-time favorite movies list).  Therefore, with all of the hype that surrounded his first Batman sequel, which never ceased to amaze and continues to be a benchmark film in several ways, audiences have been dying for the epic conclusion to his Batman trilogy.  Just a year before its release, the studio presented the film’s first teaser trailer for The Dark Knight Rises (2012) and it simultaneously satisfies and entices audiences with much to look forward to, since not much is actually provided in the trailer.

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